Want to Come?
When you arrive as a first time visitor our greeters will welcome you and during the service the ushers will provide you with a visitor card, complete your visitor card and a member of our leadership team will contact
you because we love you and want you to come again.
Want to Connect?
Follow Russell Temple on face book and like our face book page.
Want to Commit?
When you accept Jesus Christ as Savior the gift you receive is salvation. Salvation means you are now free from temporary and eternal bondage that once held your life hostage. The freedom happens the moment you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior in your life.
This acceptance happens by simply believing and then confessing what you believe.
The process is as simple as ABC.
Accept-Jesus as the Lord over your life! Lord means that He becomes the director of your affairs.
Believe-In your heart that God raised Jesus from the death that He suffered for us once and for all so that we can have a relationship with God.
Confess-with your mouth that Jesus is Lord! When He has become Lord over your life you have surrendered to making decisions on your own and you allow His purpose to guide and manage your life. The moment you begin to embrace salvation then you will benefit from the relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Step 1 - Russell Temple New Members Orientation
Once you make the decision to become a part of the Temple you will be invited to the New Members Orientation. This is the time where members of leadership team (class leaders) will extend to you a Temple welcome and share with you next steps on becoming an active member.
Step 2 New Members Class
This 3 part class is designed to clearly explain what it means to be a member of the Temple, who we are, what our church is about and how you become a part of our family.
New Member’s Class
(Every 2nd and 4th Sunday at the Temple at 9:00 A.M.)
Step 3 New Member’s Right Hand of Fellowship and Reception
Once new members have successfully completed their new member’s class they will be given the right hand of fellowship and
formally accepted into the church as full members with rights and privileges. Then once a quarter new member’s are invited to aformal reception with the pastor,class leaders, church leaders and their families to fellowship and learn more about the
opportunities here at the Temple.
Get Involved (Ministries)
Now that you are connected, It’s time to get involved. While we are a family in one sense, we are individuals with different experiences, gifts, backgrounds and needs. We have ministries designed to connect the many pieces into one whole Russell Temple within the body of Christ. Take a look around- we are confident you’ll find a place that is just right.
Adult & Youth Ministries
Usher’s Ministry
Welcome Ministry
Worship and fine Arts
Senior Choir
Male Chorus
Gospel Chorus
Children’s Choir
Praise Dancing
Audio Ministry
Performing Arts Ministry
Christian Education
Sunday Church School
Children’s Hour